Classroom of the Elite subtitles

Classroom of the Elite Season 2

Short Overview: When Kiyotaka enters government-sponsored elite high school, he finds out just how merit-based this education system is.


Nao Tôyama, Ryôta Ôsaka, Yurika Kubo

Animation, Drama, Thriller

7.7 out of 10

Check below for subtitles!

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E01 当迈上人生的陡坡,请记住保持平静的心智。-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E02 人类有两大主罪,所有其他罪恶均和其有关,那就是:缺乏耐心和漫不经心。-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E03 杰出的人才固然能够做出最大的好事,也同样可以做出最大的坏事。-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E04 人材是需要培养的-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E05 所有失败都只是通往成功的过程-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E06 逆境便是通往真相的第一条道路-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E07 怀疑一切与相信一切同样简单 都是放弃思考-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E08 创伤会静静活在心底-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E09 过而不改, 是谓过矣-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E10 正因受伪善欺瞒,人们才期望毁灭-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E11 无法驾驭自己的人, 永远都会是他人的奴隶-Simplified Chinese

欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E12 毫无谋略的力量, 总会自取灭亡-Simplified Chinese

[完结] 欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室 S2E13 最恶劣的敌人, 通常都是自己-Simplified Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E01 當邁上人生的陡坡,請記住保持平靜的心智。-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E02 人類有兩大主罪,所有其他罪惡均和其有關,那就是:缺乏耐心和漫不經心。-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E03 傑出的人才固然能夠做出最大的好事,也同樣可以做出最大的壞事。-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E04 人材是需要培養的-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E05 所有失敗都只是通往成功的過程-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E06 逆境便是通往真相的第一條道路-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E07 懷疑一切與相信一切同樣簡單 都是放棄思考-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E08 創傷會靜靜活在心底-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E09 過而不改, 是謂過矣-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E10 正因受偽善欺瞞,人們才期望毀滅-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E11 無法駕馭自己的人, 永遠都會是他人的奴隸-Traditional Chinese

歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E12 毫無謀略的力量, 總會自取滅亡-Traditional Chinese

[完結] 歡迎來到實力至上主義的教室 S2E13 最惡劣的敵人, 通常都是自己-Traditional Chinese

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E01 [852436].enUS-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E02 There are two main human sins from which all the others derive i-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E3 – The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices as well as-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E4 – The material has to be created. [853078].enUS-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E5 – Every failure is a step to success. [GN7UD9JG8].en-US-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E6 – Adversity is the first path to truth. [GK9U30NQ7]-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E7 – To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally co-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E8 – The wound is at her heart. [GVWU052JP].en-US-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E9 – If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a m-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E10 – People, often deceived by an illusive good, desire their own r-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E11 – A man who cannot command himself will always be a slave. [G2X-English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E 12 – Force without wisdom falls of its own weight. [G8WUN8PE8].en--English

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E13 – The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself. [GZ7UV8M-English














[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E01 [852436].esES-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E02 There are two main human sins from which all the others derive i-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E3 – The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices as well as-Spanish


[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E5 – Every failure is a step to success. [GN7UD9JG8].es-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E6 – Adversity is the first path to truth. [GK9U30NQ7]-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E7 – To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally co-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E8 – The wound is at her heart. [GVWU052JP].es-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E9 – If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a m-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E10 – People, often deceived by an illusive good, desire their own r-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E11 – A man who cannot command himself will always be a slave. [G2X-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E 12 – Force without wisdom falls of its own weight. [G8WUN8PE8].es-Spanish

[CR] Classroom of the Elite S02E13 – The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself. [GZ7UV8M-Spanish

[CR][LAT] Classroom of the Elite - S02E01 - Remember to keep a clear head in difficult times-Spanish

[CR][LAT] Classroom of the Elite - S02E03 - The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices as-Spanish

[CR][LAT] Classroom of the Elite - S02E04 - The Material Has to Be Created-Spanish

[CR][LAT] Classroom of the Elite - S02E07 - To Doubt Everything or to Believe Everything Are Two Eq-Spanish

[CR][LAT] Classroom of the Elite - S02E13 - The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself-Spanish