Check below for subtitles!
Drake and Josh - S02E05 - Pool Shark-Arabic
s02e06.Drake & Josh-(Smart Girl)-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E01 The Bet-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E02 Guitar-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E03 Movie Job-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E04 Football-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E05 Pool Shark-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E06 Smart Girl-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E07 Little Diva-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E08 Blues Brothers-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E09 Driver's License-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E10 Number One Fan-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E11 The Mean Teacher-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E12 The Gary Grill-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E13 Drew and Jerry-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH S02 E14 Honor Council-Arabic
s02e10.Drake & Josh-(Number 1 Fan)-Arabic
s02e01.Drake & Josh-(The Bet)-Arabic
s02e02.Drake & Josh-(Guitar)-Arabic
Drake & Josh-(Movie Job)S02E03-Arabic
s02e04.Drake & Josh-(Football)-Arabic
season 2 episode 7 (Arabic)-Arabic
season 2 episode 9 (Arabic)-Arabic
season 2 episode 12 (Arabic)-Arabic
Drake & Josh - 02x01 - The Bet.PDTV-Dutch
Drake & Josh - 02x02 - Guitar.PDTV-Dutch
Drake & Josh - 02x03 - Movie Job.PDTV-Dutch
Drake and Josh - S02E04 - Football-Hebrew
Drake . Josh-s02e01(The Bet)-Hebrew
s02e02.Drake . Josh-(Guitar)-Hebrew
s02e03.Drake . Josh-(Movie Job)-Hebrew
s02e14.Drake & Josh-(Honor Council)-Hebrew
s02e06.Drake . Josh-(Smart Girl)-Hebrew
s02e07.Drake . Josh-(Little Diva)-Hebrew
s02e08.Drake . Josh-(Blues Brothers)-Hebrew
s02e11.Drake . Josh-(Mean Teacher)-Hebrew