Check below for subtitles!
Drake & Josh-Battle of Panthatar-Arabic
Drake and Josh-The Great Doheney-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E20 - Dance Contest-Arabic
Drake & Josh - S04E19 - Helicopter.-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E15 - Megan's First Kiss-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E14 - Steered Straight-Arabic
Drake & Josh - S04E16 - The Battle Of Panthatar-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E13 - Megan's Revenge-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E10 - Tree House-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E11 - Josh is Done-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E12 - Eric Punches-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E07 - I Love Sushi-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E09 - My Dinner With Bobo-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E08 - The Storm-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E06 - The Great Doheny-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E05 - Who's Got Game-Arabic
DRAKE and JOSH - S04 E04 - Mindy Loves Josh-Arabic
4x01 - Josh Runs into Oprah .rml-Hebrew
s04e01.Drake and Josh-(Josh Runs Into Oprah)-Hebrew
S04E03.Drake and Josh-(The Wedding)-Hebrew
s04e06.Drake and Josh-(The Great Doheney)-Hebrew
s04e09.Drake and Josh-(My Dinner With Bobo)-Hebrew
Drake . Josh-S04E13.(Megans Revenge)-Hebrew
s04e02.Drake . Josh-(Vicious Tiberius)-Hebrew
s04e04.Drake . Josh-(Mindy Loves Josh)-Hebrew
s04e05.Drake . Josh-(Whos Got Game)-Hebrew
s04e07.Drake . Josh-(I Love Sushi)-Hebrew
s04e14.Drake . Josh-(Steered Straight)-Hebrew