Short Overview: Covering the continuing adventures of series protagonist Ash Ketchum and Pikachu, and his best friend Brock, the two meet a new coordinator named Dawn, who travels with them through Sinnoh and enters Pokemon Contests.
Veronica Taylor, Rachael Lillis, Eric Stuart
Animation, Action, Adventure
7.5 out of 10
Check below for subtitles!
S25E02 - The Winding Path to Greatness. [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E09 - Battling Turned Up to Eleven. [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E32 - It's. Champion Time! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E33 - Bewitch Battle and Bewilder! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E34 - Valor A Strategic Part of Battling! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E35 - Whittle While You Work! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E37 - Go and Aceburn! The Place of Beginnings!! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E38 - A Flood of Torrential Gains! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E39 - Toying with Your Motions! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English
S25E40 - Paring Pokémon While Parrying! [WEBDL-1080p x264 EAC3]-English